Color Frame Studio LTD entered the virtual production world in early 2021 as one the first studios to offer Virtual Production, LED wall for in-camera VFX and other creative applications in the region.
During the past year of remote workflow, Color Frame Studio launched a company-wide initiative to integrate UE4 (Unreal Engine) technology into our existing pipeline to apply this incredible tool set at the highest levels. We have team who have mastered real time camera tracking and real time lighting for film sets for green screen replacement solutions with LED wall or Laser projectors.
The LED Wall adds an exciting new tool for creative collaborators. The effects are done in real time – on an LED stage with all the benefits, flexibility and realism of actual photography. We no longer need to build a physical set or travel to numerous locations to tell the scope of a story while increasing control of all aspects on set, be it travel, crew size or days on set.
LED technology is a breakthrough in virtual filmmaking – at a time when the industry needs it most. Color Frame Studio is ready to help you create cinematic content in this revolutionary new way. Imagine the possibilities.